Q: Land supply – Developers are arguing that TVBC has a low housing land supply position (2.7 years). If developers are land banking resulting in a low HLS position is that our problem or theirs? A – ours – as there needs to be sufficient land supply and land banking does not bring land forward to development.
Q – Are there changes to national policy that will encourage house building? A – potential trend towards fragmented / smaller developments e.g. of c 30 units. Larger sites were previously thought to be a way of delivering infrastructure but often fails to materialise in practice. Smaller sites are easier to deliver and can generate funds by means of CIL.
Q – Proximity to Romsey was raised. Whilst Braishfield is conveniently close to Romsey for access to amenities there are concerns that recent housing schemes means that Romsey is getting closer. The green spaces into the village, that form the gateway to Braishfield and help define the village are important. MS – agreed that there was a strong response from residents that open spaces flanking Braishfield are very important.
Q – Area 5 has a planning application for a barn – Braishfield PC objected, but TVBC appear to be in favour. Village Design Statement identifies that green space. A – NP will have more standing, but we cannot direct TVBC in their decision.
Q – Important to support the local business community? Business parks, farmers and equestrian. A – tried to involve everyone in the survey but only a couple of responses from businesses. Q – it is a working village. A – have not had many responses from businesses but recognise that it is important that everyone, including businesses are involved in the progress of the NP.
Q – need housing mix. Houses do come up nearby if the type you need is not available. A – difficult to allocate housing type when there are very low numbers of new builds.
Q – buses are a catch 22 as most buses are empty. A – yes that is an issue.
Q – timescales? A – write NP in 2024, consultation summer 2025.
Q – Does TVBC have to take account of the NP? A –NP has statutory status but if TVBC ignore it then there is a process for objecting through PC and Councillors. NP may reinforce the Local Plan.
Q – Protected open areas * 6. If they are identified as protected, what happens to other open spaces? A – does not mean development can happen on the other green spaces as that would be contrary to countryside policy, just wanting to focus on the most important open spaces. If there is sufficient housing supply then development outside the settlement boundary would be very unlikely.
Q – who resolves land supply stats? A – Ganger Farm developer calculated their stats. The development should be resisted by TVBC, but the developer may appeal. An appeal Inspector would look at the evidence available and take a view on actual HLS.
Q – windfall sites? A – in the settlement boundary but unexpectedly come forward.
Q – housing supply stats – what do they mean? A – each council has to show they have a five year supply of land to meet the target of new units based on consents granted. Noted for example the delay in Whitenap being developed is impacting on the TVBC housing supply.
Q – TVBC split? A – Braishfield was in TVBC North, but a year or two ago Braishfield was redefined as being in TVBC South. The housing allocation for South is what is relevant to Braishfield in future. Q – were more protected in North as Andover developments. A – perhaps – depends on Whitenap.
Q – Whitenap has not been developed so developers can build elsewhere so what is the point of a Local Plan? A – in hindsight maybe the mistake was in allocating Whitenap.
Q – if the plan is up to 20 houses, but protect the green spaces, where will they be built? A – maps in the presentation represent the current position – new Local Plan may add land to the Settlement Boundary and allow for growth.
Q – have seen properties replaced by more on same site, and that can be appropriate. Developments in Houghton have ruined it. A – will post an update when the new TVBC Local Plan is published.
Q – Jane Bennett thanked the group for their work.