About the Neighbourhood Plan

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood planning was introduced in the Localism Act of 2011. It is a means by which local communities have statutory powers to shape how their communities develop.

Basically, a neighbourhood plan is:

  • It is a document that sets out planning policies for the local area, in our case the Parish of Braishfield.
  • It is built on a base of evidence from local people and the local authority.
  • It is written by residens of the community who understand its needs.
  • Local planning authorities and planning inspectors considering planning applications must make their decisions in accordance with the policies in the neighbourhood plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.  Thus it is a means of ensuring the community gets the right types of development, in the right places.

How will the Neigbourhood plan be created?

  1. The intial and most importatnt step is to gather the opinions of villagers on how they would like to see the village develop.
  2. These opnions will be combined with other information, such as demographic data from the Test Valley Borough Council.  The resulting data is referred to as the ‘Evidence Base’.i
  3. Policies will be created in line with the evidence base and published in a Neighbourhood Plan document.
  4. The Neighbourhood Plan will then be put to a referendum.
  5. If agreed by a majority of villagers, and accepted by Test Valley, the plan will be “made” and become part of statutory planning process.